

The scholarship is awarded at St Stephen’s House, University of Oxford and is named after Fr Richard Meux Benson SSJE (1824-1915), founder and first Superior General of The Society of St John the Evangelist. The Fr Benson Scholar is nominated annually by the Principal of St Stephen’s House and will be a seminarian of the college who is preparing for ordained ministry in the Church of England. The value of the scholarship covers university fees and enables higher academic study. St Stephen’s House was founded in 1876 and is an Anglican seminary of the catholic tradition. Over the years many priests who had been formed in the college later became monks of SSJE. In 1980 the monks left their original mother house, St John’s Mission House in Cowley, Oxford and the buildings were passed to St Stephen’s House as the new location for the college. The link between the Order and the college was further maintained as the Superior of SSJE had the right to nominate a representative to the college’s governing council. Fr Benson was a great influence upon the revival of the Religious life in the Anglican Communion and a monk of deep spiritual and prophetic gifts. His memorial day in Anglican calendars is kept on 16 January (with Charles Gore, Bp)


Gracious God, you have inspired a rich variety of ministries in your Church: We give you thanks for Richard Meux Benson and Charles Gore, instruments in the revival of Anglican monasticism. Grant that we, following their example, may call for perennial renewal in your Church through conscious union with Christ, witnessing to the social justice that is a mark of the reign of our Savior Jesus, who is the light of the world; and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


Mrs Linden Sheffield
Administration Support


Direct Phone: 01494 928348 or 07739012459

Fellowship of Saint John (UK) Trust Association
Registered Office:
65/68 Leadenhall Street
London, EC3A 2AD

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